Thursday 13 April 2017

Partner Search

Hello everybody and welcome to another post!
Today I want to explain you another part of my educational project. As I said in my last post, I would like to enrich my CLIL project to make it collaborative. For that reason, the next step is doing a partner search.
In my open educational project called, living the Prehistory, students need to work together to overcome the final target that was record a videoclip using the ICTs in which they will show what they have acquired.
As I said before, I think it is important that we, as teachers, help our students to manage with technologies because they are important for life nowadays. Therefore, this project is focus on the development of these technology skills.
Moreover, I have previously explained the importance of collaborative work that I have also included in my project.
After modifying my project to make it collaborative, now it is time to look for partners and join to another collaborative project. For that reason, today I would like to explain you what I learn from my ICT classes.
Partner search
It is important that we join to other online project in order to spread our work as teachers and to find the help of the other members of the educational community.   In order to choose the best collaborative project that fits with my own, I came across some awesome ones as ESL Times , Tertulias con sabor a chocolate or InfoEDUgrafias.
All of them are very interesting and fits well with my project and also make me think about new activities to develop. I have to admit that I was in two minds between InfoEDUgrafias and ELS Times because both of them are adequately for my prototype. However, since I have to choose only one, I decided to join ELS Times because I think my project works on the development of the four skills that they promote. Furthermore, I believe that the project´s final outcome fits better with their goals.
I find ELS Times very interesting because, as I explained in my last post, they promote the development of the four skills in all their activities and also, they want children to participate actively in them.  Their main goals are working whit the four language skills, encourage reading in English, use ICT with teaching, promote collaborative work team and autonomous work…

In their blog , you can find more information about this collaborative movement and also in their twitter.

I encourage you to follow them in the social networks to know more about ESL Times. You will find it interesting and useful to make your own educational projects!
( )

The second challenge that I have to fulfill in order to convince ELS Times that my project is the best to join them is an elevator pitch that I am going to explain.
Elevator pitch
It is an enterprise technique designed to find financial support for a project as it is my case. You have to record a short video in which your partner see that your Project is the best to join with them  in only 20 seconds. I have to admit that I had to make some drafts because it was very difficult to do it in that Little time. 

It is important that you hook the audience with a good start of your video, that you define what you want to overcome with a proper solution for it. 

To record my elevator pitch I used a new tool that is WeVideo that is an online video editor that makes it easy to capture, create and share what I want to explain. I don´t know anything about this tool until our teacher mention it and I have to admit that WeVideo solve me many problems of edition.

Here you can see my elevator pitch and then my draft that I pasted in Google Drive. I also give you the link of my WeVideo.

If you want to do an elevator pitch, you have to take into account that is a new way to present your work so you need to prepare it in order to do it in 20 seconds.  I have to spend more than 20 minutes making the draft and recording the video several times until it can be published. Once you have recorded your elevator pitch, you will feel better noticing that you have fulfilled everything that you aimed.

To conclude my post and as a self-reflection on my work, I would like to say that I am facing many challenges that I think I can´t do it when I saw them.  I encourage you to take risk, as I am doing in this subject, because when you get them LOS CONSIGUES you feel very proud of you and your work. I am learning a lot of new useful tools that are interesting for moving to the schools and work with children.
I have to admit that this challenge has been the most difficult one for me because I find difficulties to summarize what I want to say in my video in 20 seconds. I think that it is crucial to catch the attention of the audience and have a good body language.

I hope you learn more about these new tools and I am waiting for your comments and suggestions!!

See you soon with new challenges!

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