Sunday 26 March 2017

Prototype of an open educational project

Hello everybody and welcome to another post!!

Today I’ll try to explain more about Open Educational Projects and I’ve decided to make a prototype of one of them by myself about a primary education topic.
Thus, I’m going to  show here this project.

My project is called “Living in the Prehistory” and, as reflected in the title, this is about the Prehistory and the different time periods included on it, such as Paleolithic, Neolithic and Metal age. The aim is to work on this curricular content with fourth graders of Primary Education. This project will be included in a bilingual program, since we are going to work using English as a second language. Therefore, the key content is going to be developed in this language.

Here yo have the sheet that I used to make my prototype of the open educational Project. I have pasted it with Issuu that is a fantastic tool to share your documents in a new and easy way: Issuu

In order to carry out the project I have used a template to prototyping an open educational project giving by our ICT teacher to fulfill this new challenge. In this template I have explained all the main features of my project, which should be developed and revised in deph in the next classes. 

I leave you here a video made with Imovie. I am having troubles with You Tube so I share the link to my Google Drive also and you can see it there until I fixed it.

I have to say that I am learning many ways of sharing my work with the Internet community that I dind´t know. I have to admit that, for the first time you see the tools, you feel a bit lost but when you explore them deeply they are so easy to manage with them. I use to share my work using always the same tools such as Power Point or Word documents, however with my ICT clases I have forgot them and discovered new ones that I recommend you to use.
Furthermore, create an open educational Project is not so easy as I thought because you have to take into account many points and characteristics to create a good one. I try to think about what should be a good way to teach curricular content in a different way and I think my Project may have some changes in order to be better. For that reason, I hope you can see my video in Google Docs and read my template that I share in this post and share your comments and ideas to improve my Project.

Hope your feedback!!

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